Maintain honor, no matter the cost...
Galactic Emperor Hoshi has died, and the tenuous peace she forged among the interstellar clans of the Lotus Galaxy has collapsed. In the wake of this chaos, you, the leader of a powerful and influential clan, must bring honor to your people and claim the galactic throne.
Launch massive fleets to defeat your enemies and seize key locations.
Forge alliances with the lesser clans so that they might back your claim to the throne.
Devastate the plans of your foes with power-shifting action cards.
Deploy the most fearsome weapons the galaxy has ever known - the terrifying Samurai Mechs.
Galactic Emperor Hoshi has died, and the tenuous peace she forged among the interstellar clans of the Lotus Galaxy has collapsed. In the wake of this chaos, you, the leader of a powerful and influential clan, must bring honor to your people and claim the galactic throne.
Launch massive fleets to defeat your enemies and seize key locations.
Forge alliances with the lesser clans so that they might back your claim to the throne.
Devastate the plans of your foes with power-shifting action cards.
Deploy the most fearsome weapons the galaxy has ever known - the terrifying Samurai Mechs.