Reference: LHV01CNT

Language: Chinese Traditional
Number of Players: 1-5
Age: 12
Duration: 100
勒阿弗尔(Le Havre)是法国的第二大港口,玩家在游戏中担任船运公司经营者,透过运送货物、建立工厂或出船,来养活工人并获得分数。作者乌‧玫瑰山(Uwe Rosenberg)是欧式桌游的传奇设计师,设计过多款脍炙人口的得奖作品。本游戏荣获2009金极客年度游戏奖、2010游戏杂志最佳新进阶策略游戏奖,同时也是工人摆放游戏的代表作之一。
In Le Havre, a player's turn consists of two parts: First, distribute newly supplied goods onto the offer spaces; then take an action. As an action, players may choose either to take all goods of one type from an offer space or to use one of the available buildings. Building actions allow players to upgrade goods, sell them or use them to build their own buildings and ships. Buildings are both an investment opportunity and a revenue stream, as players must pay an entry fee to use buildings that they do not own. Ships, on the other hand, are primarily used to provide the food that is needed to feed the workers.

After every seven turns, the round ends: players' cattle and grain may multiply through a Harvest, and players must feed their workers. After a fixed number of rounds, each player may carry out one final action, and then the game ends. Players add the value of their buildings and ships to their cash reserves. The player who has amassed the largest fortune is the winner.